On 19 & 20 May, Newcastle Roller Girls host EuroClash 2018 – an international tournament bringing teams and fans from all over the UK, Europe and USA to Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The nine teams competing in Newcastle on 19 & 20 May 2018 are: Auld Reekie Roller Girls (Scotland), Dock City Rollers (Sweden), Steel City Roller Derby (USA), Tiger Bay Brawlers (Wales), Dublin Roller Derby (Ireland), and Birmingham Blitz Dames, Central City Rollergirls, Middlesbrough Roller Derby and Newcastle Roller Girls (England).
EuroClash is part of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association recognised tournament programme, and all games will be sanctioned by the WFTDA. All nine participating teams are closely ranked – literally only two places separates them in the case of Tiger Bay (90) and Steel City (92) – with several teams playing each other for the first time. Dublin Roller Derby are the top ranked team in the tournament at 38 after a strong show in 2017, including qualifying for the WFTDA Division 2 playoffs for the first time where they won three of their five games.
From Pittsburgh, USA, Steel City Roller Derby are currently ranked 92 but have competed in WFTDA Division 1 playoffs as recently as 2016, so Newcastle Roller Girls are particularly excited to be bringing a team of their calibre and experience to Newcastle for the first time for EuroClash.
Billie Pistol from Tiger Bay Brawlers said, “Steel City was one of the first American teams I saw play, when they came over for the first Anarchy in the UK tournament hosted by London Rollergirls. Most of our team went to watch and came away buzzing from watching how aggressive and dynamic they were. It’s an incredible opportunity to take the track against such a beast of a team. And playing against Newcastle will be a real treat. They’re such a competitive team and made up of some of the nicest people. It’s a crime that we haven’t played against them sooner.”
Central City Rollergirls’ Tinchy Slider said, “We can’t wait to return to Newcastle to take part in EuroClash this year. The organisation at last year’s event was exceptional and there was a great atmosphere. We’re even more excited to meet Steel City. Although they took a lot of losses in 2017 we can’t let that fool us. They’ve had some really challenging match ups against the likes of Queen City, Rocky Mountain and Blue Ridge. Central City love a challenge just as much as Steel City, and I’m sure this game is going to give us that.”
Newcastle Roller Girls Canny Belters co-captain Missy Pow Pow said, “Last year we hosted EuroClash for the first time so we’re really excited to put on a whole weekend of high level international games again this year, including teams who don’t often play in the UK. We hope the whole roller derby community will get behind us again to help to make the 2018 tournament a success.”
Weekend tickets for the tournament are now on sale at www.euro-clash.com
Weekend ticket (advance) £30
Weekend ticket (door price) £35
Day ticket (advance) £15
Day ticket (door price) £18
For the latest news and updates, keep an eye on the Facebook event here.