Current venue - the Lightfoot Centre/Walker Dome

Search For a New Practise and Bout Venue – Can You Help?

Current venue - the Lightfoot Centre/Walker Dome
Current venue - the Lightfoot Centre/Walker Dome

Between October and January our regular practice and bouting venue, The Lightfoot/Walker Dome, will be closed for some refurbishment work, so we’re looking for a new venue that could take us on during that period.

We have two regular practises each week (Wednesday 7pm – 9.30pm and Sunday 2.30pm – 4.30pm) which we will need to accommodate elsewhere for the duration of the refurbishment work, as well as two scheduled bouts:

  • Saturday 20 October 2012
  • Saturday 15 December 2012

On bout days we ideally need the access to the hall/space from 11am until around 5pm.

Our requirements are:

The track we use is oval and is 62 feet by 46 feet. For practises we then need additional space around the side of this of at least 1 foot.
For our public bouts we will need a hall that is 100×100 feet, including seating space for our audience. We usually bring in around 300-400 people to our bouts.

If you’re a venue owner and you think you could accommodate us, or if you have any ideas for venues that we could try, please email us at

All suggestions gratefully received!